While it is perfectly acceptable to have your field personnel create route tickets at each stop via the mobile app or create a new task while in the field, you may prefer to generate those invoices, route tickets, or tasks ahead of time in the office. To do so, simply follow the steps below.
Step 1: Navigate to Routes > Schedule
Step 2: Access the Table Menu and select Auto-Generate
Step 3: Select the date range, Route, and Customers that you wish to generate either invoices, route tickets, or tasks for
Step 4: Select which customer-specific items should be loaded into the invoices, route tickets, or tasks
- All: Load every item in a customer's pricing tab at their default quantity.
- Department Specific: Load items on the customer pricing tab that have a department assigned and are currently assigned to a Route/User that also belongs to that department.
- Frequency Specific: Load items in the customer pricing tab that have a frequency assigned and are currently assigned to a Route/User that also uses that frequency.