How to complete a Task and create an Invoice from a Task in TSPO
Step 1: Navigate to Tasks > Pending Tasks
Step 2a: To complete a single Task, first click the green check mark icon in the Task row.
Step 2b: Make your selections as appropriate in the 'Complete Task' window and click 'Complete'
At this point the Task will disappear from the Pending Tasks page and will now be visible on the Completed Tasks page. Additionally, if the Task was invoiced there will now be an Invoice on the Pending Invoice page as well.
Step 3a: To complete multiple Tasks at the same time, first select the checkbox for any Tasks you wish to complete together.
Step 3b: Navigate to the Table Menu and select 'Quick Complete'
Step 3c: Make your selections as appropriate in the Quick Complete window and press 'Complete'
At this point the Tasks will disappear from the Pending Tasks page and will now be visible on the Completed Tasks page. Additionally, if the Tasks were invoiced there will now be Invoices on the Pending Invoice page as well.