How to Reassign Routes and Dates using the Route Map in RouteStar Online

You will first need to be familiar with displaying a Route on the Route map before using the features shown in this article. More information about displaying Routes can be found here.

Step 1: Map the Route or Routes you wish to Reassign Routes or Dates for.01.png

Step 2: Select the 'Draw a Shape' tool02.png

  • With the 'Draw a Shape' tool selected you can click and hold the left mouse button in order to drag the map view around.
  • If you hold your mouse still and make a single click it will create the first corner of a shape and a line will begin to draw from that spot to your current mouse position.03.png

Step 3: Using the 'Draw a Shape' tool encapsulate the stops that you wish to edit04.png

  • Your mouse cursor will change to a finger icon to indicate when you about to 'close' the shape you have drawn.
  • When you complete the shape a window will popup showing you the stops you have encapsulated.

Step 4: Make the changes you want to apply to the stops shown in the window05.png

  • Make sure to click 'Save' at the bottom of the window.
  • Be aware that you will need to remap any edited routes in order to see the changes you have made.