Please note that even though the screenshots presented below are shown in RouteStarOnline, the steps and selection locations are the same.
- Frequencies are used in both The Service Program and RouteStar Online to control when certain actions occur.
Step 1: Navigate to the Frequencies page by selecting Routes > Frequencies in the Navigation Menu.
Step 2: In the field that says 'New Frequency Name' type in the title of the Frequency you would like to create. (In the screenshot below the user is creating a frequency called "Annual")
Step 3: Select the appropriate options for how you wish this frequency to recur.
- You can set Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly recurring conditions
- Daily frequencies can be set to recur after a specific number of days.
- Weekly frequencies can be set to recur on a specific day of the week and repeat every so many weeks.
- Monthly frequencies can be set to recur every so many months, as well as by specific date or nth day of the month.
- Yearly frequencies can be set to recur on a specific date, or nth day of a specific month.
Step 4: Click the Save button at the bottom and you are done!
- Now your frequencies can be used to control Route Stops, Memorized Transactions, and more.