For more information on accepting credit cards with PaySimple CLICK HERE.
This article will show you how to process a Credit Card using our integration with PaySimple in the RouteStar Mobile App.
1. To process a credit card on the RouteStar mobile app, first open any open invoice and scroll to the footer section. Then press the button labeled “Credit Cards”.
2. The next step will have you create a payment profile for the customer to get saved in PaySimple’ s system. You only must do this on the first time you receive a payment for an account. The info entered should match the customers billing info from the credit card you are about to charge.
3. We will now add the credit card to the customers account to be saved in PaySimple and it can also be used for future transactions. You should notice as you fill in the card info it will update the image to validate the type of card.
4. The next screen will have you confirm payment details, the payment amount, and a short memo or message can be added. You also can capture the customers signature.
5. Once you have pressed process payment, you will be taken to a payment success screen where you can then return to the invoice.