*** This option is for RouteStar Only***
- First, you must turn this option on in the software. Along the top of the Software go to Settings -> Control Settings. Click on the tab that says "Routes" and set the option "Show Stop Create on Invoice Detail" to YES. Then click the CLOSE button to save and completely exit the software, then open it back up and sign back in. The option will now be activated.
CLICK HERE TO ENLARGE IMAGE - When you go into any existing or new invoice in RouteStar, you will notice some options in the upper right hand corner. To create a route stop from the invoice you must select 3 options. They are, "Select Route", "Select Frequency" and "Service Date". Once you have all three filled out click the red "Exclamation Point" and hit YES on the popup that asks "Would you like to put this customer on the route schedule?". The system will tell you its Complete.
CLICK HERE TO ENLARGE IMAGE - Now, you can go to your Route Schedule and you will notice that the new route stop is on there with the same Frequency, Date and Route Tech that you selected in the prior step.