First go to the Web App and login.
Next click "Lists".
Then click "Customers".
In the Customer List, click "New".
Input your Customer's information in the correct fields. Pay close attention to the "Ship To" lines 1-3; information MUST be entered in as if it were on an envelope i.e. Name on Line 1, Address on Line 2 etc. Be sure to click "Save" when you are done.
If you do a search in the Customer List, you can see that now your new Customer is entered into the App.
To Create a Task, click "Tasks", Then "Create" and fill out all the applicable information. To see a write-up specifically for generating Tasks on Mobile Devices CLICK HERE
Now in The Service Program, hit Sync Mobile Devices and we will want to Sync Customers (because we added a new customer) and also Tasks (because we created a new Task).
Once Syncing is complete, go to the Employee Task List, and double click on the new Customer's name.
Click "Add to QuickBooks" and then "Yes" when prompted to add the new Customer to QuickBooks.