This short article will help resolve any errors you have with the new web mapping system that are caused by blank or incorrect latitudes and longitudes.
In the latest update of the web mapping we have colored any rows that have errors due to a customers location.
To correct these issues simply press the “+” sign on the right of the row to expand the details. Either fill in the lat/long and press save OR press the new globe icon to geocode the customer.
Once you have either geocoded the customer or filled in their location you will see the following popup asking you to refresh the page so it can use the new data. Press the reload button and then map the routes again. You should have a nice clean route with all stops plotted correctly.
You can also Geocode your entire customer list by expanding Settings, then clicking web options. Then click on Geocode to the far right of the screen. You can then choose a customer from the drop down menu or Geocode the entire customer list:
Our system uses an algorithm to find the shortest path in road networks. It is not perfect as route optimization is considered a NP-Hard Problem, meaning there is no one correct answer. Our solution will find a short route although it may not be the shortest possible route.
The mapping system is designed to help find this shortest route - that is why we give you the opportunity to accept the suggested route or manually adjust the stop order if you are able to visually see a better solution.