These errors can possibly be returned by QuickBooks when connecting with QODBC or one of our other products based on QODBC. Consult your error code for the recommended action or explanation.
80040400 | QuickBooks found an error when parsing the provided XML text stream. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
80040401 | Could not access QuickBooks. |
Action: | Perhaps the QuickBooks installation is not complete. |
80040402 | Unexpected error. Check the qbsdklog.txt file for possible, additional information. |
Action: | Check the log specified for details. |
80040403 | Could not open the specified QuickBooks company data file. |
Action: | Check that the QuickBooks version matches the version of the company data file. |
80040404 | The version of QuickBooks currently running does not support qbXML. |
Action: | Check your QuickBooks version. All of our products support QuickBooks USA versions 2015-2002, UK or Canadian 2015-2003. QuickBooks Pro, Premiere and Enterprise editions are supported. |
80040405 | qbXML components have not been installed. |
Action: | Perhaps the QuickBooks installation is not complete. |
80040406 | Could not determine the version of the QuickBooks company data file, or the data file has been modified and requires a newer version of QuickBooks. |
Action: | Perhaps the QuickBooks installation is not complete. |
80040407 | The installation of QuickBooks appears to be incomplete. Please reinstall QuickBooks. |
Action: | Perhaps the QuickBooks installation is not complete. |
80040408 | Could not start QuickBooks. |
Action: | Perhaps the QuickBooks installation is not complete. |
80040409 | The current version of QuickBooks cannot work with the specified company data file. |
Action: | Check that the QuickBooks version matches the version of the company data file. |
8004040A | QuickBooks company data file is already open and it is different from the one requested. |
Explanation: | The QODBC Driver uses the QuickBooks SDK, which is limited to the features of the standard QuickBooks desktop product, which cannot open multiple company files. You must only open one company file at a time on a single machine. |
8004040B | Could not get the name of the current QuickBooks company data file. |
Action: | Check that the QuickBooks version matches the version of the company data file. |
8004040C | BeginSession method has not been called or it did not succeed. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
8004040D | The ticket parameter is invalid. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
8004040E | There is not enough memory to complete the request. |
Explanation: | Check that your machine meets the memory requirements of QuickBooks. |
8004040F | The OpenConnection method has not been called. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
80040410 | The QuickBooks company data file is currently open in a mode other than the one specified by your application. |
Explanation: | The QODBC Driver uses the QuickBooks SDK, which is limited to the features of the standard QuickBooks desktop product, which cannot open multiple company files. You must only open one company file at a time on a single machine. |
80040411 | Before calling the BeginSession method, you must call the EndSession method to terminate the current session. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
80040412 | You cannot make multiple successive calls to the OpenConnection method. Call CloseConnection before calling OpenConnection again. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
80040413 | QuickBooks does not support the rollbackOnError value of the onError attribute. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
80040414 | A modal dialog box is showing in the QuickBooks user interface. Your application cannot access QuickBooks until the user dismisses the dialog box. |
Action: | Check the QuickBooks desktop application for the described condition. |
80040415 | A call to the OpenConnection method must include the name of your application. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
80040416 | If QuickBooks is not running, a call to the BeginSession method must include the name of the QuickBooks company data file. |
Explanation: | Make sure the DSN you are using includes the path to the company file you require, and that you have followed the security setup steps in our users manual. |
80040417 | If the QuickBooks company data file is not open, a call to the BeginSession method must include the name of the data file. |
Explanation: | Make sure the DSN you are using includes the path to the company file you require, and that you have followed the security setup steps in our users manual. |
80040418 | This application has not accessed this QuickBooks company data file before. Only the QuickBooks administrator can grant an application permission to access a QuickBooks company data file for the first time. |
Explanation: | Make sure that you have followed the security setup steps in our users manual. |
80040419 | This application's certificate is invalid. An application must have a valid certificate to access QuickBooks company data files. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
8004041A | This application does not have permission to access this QuickBooks company data file. The QuickBooks administrator can grant access permission through the Integrated Application preferences. |
Explanation: | Make sure that you have followed the security setup steps in our users manual. |
8004041B | Unable to lock the necessary information to allow this application to access this company data file. Try again later. |
Explanation: | A QuickBooks error, contact us if this happens frequently. |
8004041C | An internal QuickBooks error occurred while trying to access the QuickBooks company data file. |
Explanation: | A QuickBooks error, contact us if this happens frequently. |
8004041D | This application is not allowed to log into this QuickBooks company data file automatically. The QuickBooks administrator can grant permission for automatic login through the Integrated Application preferences. |
Explanation: | Make sure that you have followed the security setup steps in our users manual. |
8004041E | This application's certificate is expired. If you want to allow the application to log into QuickBooks automatically, log into QuickBooks and try again. Then click Allow Always when you are notified that the certificate has expired. |
Explanation: | Make sure that you have followed the security setup steps in our users manual. |
8004041F | QuickBooks Basic cannot accept XML requests. Another product in the QuickBooks line, such as QuickBooks Pro or Premiere, 2002 or later, is required. |
Explanation: | Check your QuickBooks version. All of our products support QuickBooks USA versions 2015-2002, UK or Canadian 2015-2003. QuickBooks Pro, Premiere and Enterprise editions are supported. |
80040420 | The QuickBooks user has denied access. |
Explanation: | Check the security settings for the user in QuickBooks. |
80040421 | The returned text is passed via the qbXML COM Request Processor directly from QuickBooks to your application and is not issued by the qbXML COM Request Processor itself. You may find it useful to copy the text verbatim to your message window. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
80040422 | This application requires Single User file access mode and there is already another application sharing data with this QuickBooks company data file. |
Explanation: | A company file can only be open in one mode at a time. Certain operations require exclusive (single-user) mode, and can only be run when there are no other users of QuickBooks. |
80040423 | The version of qbXML that was requested is not supported or is unknown. |
Explanation: | Check your QuickBooks version. All of our products support QuickBooks USA versions 2015-2002, UK or Canadian 2015-2003. QuickBooks Pro, Premiere and Enterprise editions are supported. |
80040424 | QuickBooks did not finish its initialization. Please try again later. |
Explanation: | A QuickBooks warning, contact us if this happens frequently. |
80040425 | Invalid parameter. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
80040426 | Scripts are not allowed to call QBXMLRP. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
80040427 | Unregistered QuickBooks. |
Explanation: | Check your QuickBooks version. All of our products support QuickBooks USA versions 2015-2002, UK or Canadian 2015-2003. QuickBooks Pro, Premiere and Enterprise editions are supported. |
80040428 | The current request processor does not support the request. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
80040429 | The current messageset is not supported. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
8004042A | Remote access is not allowed. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
8004042B | Unsupported interface. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
8004042C | Certificate has been revoked. |
Action: | Contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
RDS Client Errors: | |
80040402 | Remote QuickBooks access failed unexpectedly. |
Explanation: | Make sure you are using the web or remote version of QODBC, and contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
80040407 | Error retrieving the QuickBooks remote server name and port. |
Explanation: | Make sure you are using the web or remote version of QODBC, and contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
8004040D | Remote QuickBooks access failed because the remote server name and/or port have changed. |
Explanation: | Make sure you are using the web or remote version of QODBC, and contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
80040414 | A modal dialog box is showing in the QuickBooks Remote Data Sharing Client user interface. The application cannot access QuickBooks until the dialog is dismissed. |
Explanation: | A QuickBooks error, contact us if this happens frequently. |
8004041A | Remote QuickBooks access failed because login and/or password do not match those on the server. |
Explanation: | Check the security settings in the QODBC setup screen. |
RDS Server Errors: | |
80040420 | The user has denied remote access to QuickBooks. |
Explanation: | Make sure you are using the web or remote version of QODBC, and contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |
80040421 | Unable to establish a remote connection to QuickBooks. |
Explanation: | Make sure you are using the web or remote version of QODBC, and contact QODBC support with a description of what was happening when you got this error. |