Task Type Questions

Task Type Questions

Task type questions are very useful to help script your calls. These questions will be saved to the task type selected and displayed each time you use that task type. This area will help you get the most important information from the customer. These questions and answered can also be printed on the work ticket for the tech assigned to the task to see.


The first step is to go into TSP and select the Task Info drop down (1) and then select Maintain task type questions (2).

 You will see the following screen



From the drop down select the first task type you want to set up a question for (1). Next you can set the order that it will be in (2). Then the question you want to ask. (3)


 You would continue till all the questions are set up.


 It might look something like this. Hit the close button to save.



 Now if you go to the Task Entry screen.


 Create a task as you normally would.



 When you select the task type the questions will show on the window on the right. The answers can now be filled in.



 They will also show up on work orders as well.