Obtain mysql-connector-odbc-5.2.4-ansi-win32 download from DOWNLOAD as shown in image SC-1 below.
And this step is completed!
Now you may continue to the next step.
You can tell which version of windows you have by going to computer, c drive and seeing if you have 2
program files folders
Go to start button
Go to control panel
Go to administrative tools
32 Bit set up
Continue to steps further down the page Setup for both 32 and64 bit set up
64 bit set up
Go to my computer and double click
Then go to the c:/ drive and double click
Go to windows and double click
Go to syswow64 and double click
64 bit set up
Scroll down till you see OBCAD32
Setup for both 32 bit and 64 bit
Both of the steps will bring you to this screen
Click add and select the “MySQL ODBC 52.a Driver”
* The data source name must be MCC
** The user name and password should have been emailed to you from the tech who did your mobile install. (If you do not have this info please contact support and they can obtain it for you!)
Data Source Name: MCC
TCP/IP Server: mycustomerconnect.com
User: mccadmin_(username given)
Password: (Password Given)
Database (dropdown) (database name given)
Then hit the Test button if everything is correct you should see the following.
Exit and you are done with setup.