Setting up Route Techs (TSP)

    • Setting up Route Techs

From the route schedule, double click in the second field labeled Route to open the route/subassigned maint. window.

The picture below describes how to setup the different route techs.

A). In the Technician Field setup general names for your routes. We recommend R1 for route 1, R2 for route 2 … etc… You could also use T1 for Truck 1 or M1 for Maintenance 1 and so on.

B). In the Technician Name field, you could setup something similar to the picture above or for R1 you could setup the name as John Smith or whoever is driving the route.

C). You can use the description field to describe what type of route it is. As you can see in the picture above I have setup the description to show 3 different routes for a lawn care business.