Setting up My Customer Connect in Control Table

 Step One:

 Open The Service Program and go to Control Table Maintenance.


Step Two:

Go to the Miscellanous tab and select the drop down for Use My Customer Connect to YES.


Step Three:

Go to the My Customer Connect Web Portal tab.


Step Four:

**The technician that did the mobile install should have sent an email with pertinent information that you will need to finish this step. If you did not receive this please email or you can call 866-480-1879 option #2 and they can get it for you.

  1. Is the database name it should be something like mccadmin_something
  2. Is the username sometimes it is the same as the database name and should look like this mccadmin_something
  3. Is the password
  4. Is the App URL and it should look like this


 Step Five:

After you have filled in the above fields you can then hit the close button. and then the synch Mobile Devices Button.