Web and MS Word Templates
Don't feel like doing this yourself? Have one of our professionals do it for you!
If you want to use customized templates, forms or reports, please contact your Sales Professional to go over this simple process to have them created unique for your company.
Depending on your request, templates labor fees are $199/per template or more. If you are interested in this option, Click Here to Email Sales@westromsoftware.com
The Service Program offers a unique way to customize the forms for printing. We have the ability to create a custom word document and use that as a template for printing from the desktop.
When using the Mobile Solution, you can have customized Web Templates created to have the ability from the desktop to print/ email or while in the field to email or print using compatible printers.
Depending on your request, templates labor fees are $199/per web template or more.
- Sample Word Templates for Download
Below are a few sample templates that are print ready. All the bookmarks are in the documents. When downloading, save the file into the correct folder inside of C:\TheServiceProgram\Templates
Regulated Waste Manifest Template
- Task BookMark Names
Below is a picture of all the available bookmarks you can use when creating a word template for a task.
A: ParentRefFullName_1_1 O: Type_1_1 B: FullName_1_1 P: TaskDescription_1_1 C: ShipAddressAddr1_1_1 Q: TaskSpecificNotes_1_1 D: ShipAddressAddr2_1_1 R: Resolution_1_1 E: ShipAddressAddr3_1_1 S: PONumber1_1_1 F: ShipAddressCity_1_1 T: TxnDate1_1_1 G: ShipAddressState_1_1 U: DueDate1_1_1 H: ShipAddressPostalCode_1_1 V: EnteredBy_1_1 I: ContactPerson_1_1 W: AssignedTo_1_1 J: AltContact_1_1 X: SubAssigned_1_1 K: EmailAddress_1_1 Y: TimeFrameRequested_1_1 L: ContactPhoneNumber_1_1 Z: StartTime1_1_1 M: AltPhone_1_1 AB: EndTime1_1_1 N: CustomerZone1_1_1 AC: TicklerID_1_1 AD: Priority1_1_1 Click Here for Full Size Image
- Quote BookMark Names
Below is a picture of all the available bookmarks you can use when creating a word template for a quote.
A: CustomerRefFullName_1_1 T: EnteredBy_1_1 B: BillAddressAddr1_1_1 U: SalesRepRefFullName_1_1 C: BillAddressAddr2_1_1 V: ClassRefFullName_1_1 D: BillAddressAddr3_1_1 W: PONumber1_1_1 E: BillAddressCity_1_1 X: QuoteGoodUntil_1_1 F: BillAddressState_1_1 Y: QuoteDescription_1_1 G: BillAddressPostalCode_1_1 Z: FollowupDate1_1_1 H: Contact_1_1 AB: DateAwarded1_1_1 I: QuoteType_1_1 AC: DateRejected1_1_1 J: TxnDate1_1_1 AD: RejectionReasonCode_1_1 K: ShipAddressAddr1_1_1 AE: ItemRefFullName_1_1 L: ShipAddressAddr2_1_1 AF: InvoiceLineDESC_1_1 M: ShipAddressAddr3_1_1 AG: InvoiceLineQuantity1_1_1 N: ShipAddressCity_1_1 AH: InvoiceLineRate1_1_1 O: ShipAddressState_1_1 AI: InvoiceLineAmount1_1_1 P: ShipAddressPostalCode_1_1 AJ: customnumber11_1_1 Q: Phone_1_1 AK: customnumber21_1_1 R: EmailAddress_1_1 S: Deposit1_1_1 Click Here for Full Size Image
1: | CustomerName_1_1 | 15: | InvoiceLineRate1_1_1 |
2: | Txndate_1_1 | 16: | InvoiceLineAmount1_1_1 |
3: | route_1_1 | ||
4: | Stop_1_1 | ||
5: | ArrivalTime1_1_1 | ||
6: | DepartureTime1_1_1 | ||
7: | PDAInvoiceID1_1_1 | ||
8: | SalesRep_1_1 | ||
9: | Class_1_1 | ||
10: | BeginningMeterReading_1_1 | ||
11: | EndingMeterReading_1_1 | ||
12: | InvoiceLineItemRefFullName_1_1 | ||
13: | InvoiceLineDESC_1_1 | ||
14: | InvoiceLineQuantity1_1_1 | ||
Rental Contract BookMark Names: