Printing from Android and iOS Devices

RouteStar Online is compatible with the following series of Zebra Mobile Thermal Printers via Bluetooth for either Android or iOS devices. Both require the use of a 3rd party app that will manage the printer connection and will be used to print the invoice from RouteStar Online's Mobile App.

RW Series


QL/QLn Series


iMZ Series


ZQ Series


ZT Series


Supported 3rd Party Printing Apps

Printer Setup & Configuration

Please ensure that the printer is paired with either your android or iOS device before using any of the above apps.

To pair the printer with Android follow the steps below:

1). Turn on the printer by pressing the power button.


2). To set the printer into Bluetooth pairing mode, once the printer is turned on, press and hold the feed button for 5 seconds, you will see a Bluetooth icon start flashing on the printers LCD screen letting you know that you are in pairing mode.


3). Open the Settings app on the android phone or tablet and tap on the connections option.


4). Then tap on Bluetooth.


5). On the Bluetooth page of settings, tap scan at the top and wait for the Zebra printer to show up and then tap on it to start pairing.


6a). The device AND printer will prompt you with a code, you need to press the check mark button on the printer first.


6b). Followed by pressing pair on the device to complete the paring request.


7). You should now see your Zebra printer on the paired devices list and you are ready to continue to the next step and setup the PrinterShare App.



8). Make sure you have downloaded PrinterShare onto your android device (link at the top of this section) before continuing. Now open PrinterShare and tap "Select" at the bottom of the screen to configure your printer. (we only have to do this 1 time)



9). Then tap on "Nearby Bluetooth".



10). Press Allow to give the app permission to communicate with your Bluetooth printer.



11). In the popup we need to tell PrinterShare what driver to use to talk to the printer. Tap on "Select Manually".



12). Tap on the "Generic" folder.



13). Tap on the "Generic Zebra mobile" folder.


14). Tap on the Generic Zebra Mobile Printer (ZPL) option (it should be the bottom one).



15). When prompted to print a test page press ok and allow the permissions.




16). Press Options above the print button to set your paper size.



17). Tap on the "Paper Size" option in the popup.



18). Tap on the correct size roll paper for your printer.



19). Now press the print button to print the test page.



20). It should take a few seconds and if you successfully get the test page to print you are ready to start printing from RouteStar. The rest of the guide below will walk you through that process.



How to Print from RouteStar Using PrinterShare (Android Devices)

Make sure you have paired your printer with your android device and that you have selected it as the default printer within the PrinterShare app before continuing.

Inside the footer section of an Invoice within RouteStar Online's Mobile app, press the Print Mobile button. This will open a print preview of the invoice we want to print.



Next, press the button in the top right within Google Chrome, the button with the 3 dots followed by pressing "Share".


In the next window, select the PrinterShare App.



You should now see a preview of the invoice within PrinterShare, go ahead and press Print in the bottom right to send the invoice to your printer.



How To Use The Zebra Setup App (Apple Devices)

Download and install the app using the link above for the correct type of device you have. Once the app is installed and you have paired your printer and set the correct language we can now open the Zebra Setup app.

On the left panel, tap the arrow to discover printers and then tap on your zebra printer to begin pairing. (this should only have to be done 1 time when first setting up the printer)



Once you have gone through the pairing steps you should have a screen similar to below listing all the information about your printer and gives you the ability to perform some actions. Make sure you see the check mark and the text "Ready" at the top in the blue box.



How to Print from RouteStar Using The Zebra Setup App (Apple Devices)

Now you can login to the RouteStar Online Mobile app and open any invoice. In the invoice footer section there is a new button labeled "Save ZPL". Press this button and it will automatically download and save a file named <invoice_number>.zpl. So for instance if you open invoice M100, when you press Save ZPL it will save a file to your device called M100.zpl.




After you press Save ZPL, go back to the Zebra Setup app and press the Available Files button and select the invoice.zpl file you just downloaded. It will then prompt you to send to printer and once you confirm, it will send the file to the printer.


